Friday, October 31, 2008

14 years of silence.

I have recently read on the Internet about the long awaited Guns N roses album Chinese Democracy will be releasing in November. The Album is going to release after 14 years of production. The last album was Spaghetti Incident. Of course, I am gonna miss Slash in this album as he is one of my favorite guitarists.

Still I am waiting for the launch of the album and will buy a copy if it releases as I also like Axel rose. I can't understand why do rock bands break. In the long run, rockstars may realize that whatever they have done is wrong. I don't know, I may be wrong about this.

Axel rose and his band have taken a long time to release this album and I feel the album will be worth it. Another thing comes to my mind about this album and that is the famous Axel rose song and the lyrics are the following:

But it's been
14 years of silence
It's been
14 years of pain
It's been
14 years that are gone forever
And I'll never have again.

Hehe, the Album is coming out after fourteen years. Cheers.

About this blog.

I have made this blog so I can give information about music to everyone. It will cover all kinds of music and I will be linking to best music sources on the Internet.